How to find the right journal for submission?

 How to find the right journal for submission? Try these 4 strategies👇🏻

[There is a 5th way which has proven to be effective!]

Source: Linkedin Page of Samira Hosseini (

Scroll down to see this alternative

1️⃣ Utilize Academic Databases:

  •  Web of Science: A comprehensive database indexing high-impact journals across various disciplines. It offers tools for searching by topic, author, or journal title.
  • Scopus: Another large multidisciplinary database with a wide range of journals, conference proceedings, and book series.
  • PubMed: Specifically for biomedical and life sciences research, it provides access to a vast collection of medical journals and articles.
  • Elton B. Stephens Company (EBSCO): Research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, e-books, and discovery services for libraries and other institutions.
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): A digital library providing access to scholarly literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics.

2️⃣ Browse Journal Rankings and Lists:

  • Journal Citation Reports (JCR): Provides journal impact factors and rankings in different categories.
  • Scimago Journal Rank (SJR): Offers an alternative journal ranking system based on citation data.

3️⃣ Consult Journal Recommendation Tools:

  • Jane (Journal/Author Name Estimator): This tool helps you identify potential journals by analyzing your manuscript's title and abstract.
    • Link:
  • Elsevier Journal Finder: Another tool that matches your manuscript to suitable Elsevier journals based on your abstract.
    • Link:
  • Springer Journal Suggester: Similar to Elsevier's tool, it recommends Springer journals that align with your research topic.

  • Clarivate Master Journal List: A comprehensive database of journals indexed in the Web of Science, offering powerful search and comparison tools.
  • Taylor & Francis Journal Suggester: Suggests appropriate Taylor & Francis journals for your research manuscript.
    • Link:
  • Wiley Journal Finder: Helps identify Wiley journals that could be suitable for publishing your research work.
    • Link:

4️⃣ Evaluate your Choices Carefully:

  • Predatory Reports: A searchable database of predatory journals, helping researchers identify and avoid these publications.
  • JournalGuide: Offers a searchable database of journals with details on scope, impact, and open access policies.
  • Think. Check. Submit.: Offers a checklist approach to help researchers identify trusted journals for their research.

And the 5️⃣th way?

  • Find the right keywords,
  • Run a systematic search,
  • Filter out what doesn’t serve,
  • Shortlist studies close to yours,
  • Which journals were they published in?

Here is another list of highly relevant journals for your submission👆🏻

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