Differences Between Red Blood Cells (RBC) and White Blood Cells (WBC)


RRed Blood Cells/ Corpuscles (RBC) are also called “Erythrocytes” while White Blood Cells/ Corpuscles (WBC) are also called “Leukocytes”.

Some of the differences between Red Blood Cells/ Corpuscles (RBC) and White Blood Cells/ Corpuscles (WBC) are as follows:



Red Blood Cells/ Corpuscles (RBC)

White Blood Cells/ Corpuscles (WBC)

1Also calledAlso called “Erythrocytes”Also called “Leukocytes”
2OriginThey are produced in red bone marrow.Mostly bone marrow, also produced in lymph nodes, spleen, etc.
3NucleusNucleus AbsentNucleus Present
4SizeSmaller than WBCs, 7.5µmLarger than RBCs, 15µm
5ColorFilled with hemoglobin (Red)Colorless, No Pigment
6Production2 million RBCs per secondFewer WBC than RBCs
7Life SpanRBCs have an average lifespan of 120 daysWBCs live anywhere from a few days (5-21 days)
8Number5 million RBCs in every cubic mm of blood3,000 – 7,000 WBCs in every cubic mm of blood
9Number IncrementsNumber increases during exercises and high altitudesNumber increases during infection
10Process of FormationFormation of RBC is called “Erythropoiesis”Formation of WBS is called “Leucopoiesis”
11ShapeCircular, BiconcaveRounded and Amoeboid, Irregular
12MotilityNon-MotileGenerally Motile
13MovementDoesn’t leaves Blood VesselsCome out of blood Capillaries
14Rouleaux FormationForm stacks called RouleauxRouleaux formation absent
15TypesOne TypeFive Types
16Circulatory systemCardiovascular systemCardiovascular and lymphatic systems.
17FunctionTransport of Respiratory Gases (Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide)Defense Mechanisms

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