Differences Between Mitosis and Meiosis


Mitosis is a process of asexual reproduction in which the cell divides in two producing a replica, with an equal number of chromosomes in each resulting diploid cell.

Meiosis is a type of cellular reproduction in which the number of chromosomes are reduced by half through the separation of homologous chromosomes, producing two haploid cells.

Following are the differences between Mitosis and Meiosis:





1Type of ReproductionAsexualSexual
3Crossing OverNo, crossing over cannot occur.Yes, mixing of chromosomes can occur.
4Number of DivisionsOneTwo
5Pairing of HomologsNoYes
6Mother CellsCan be either haploid or diploidAlways diploid
7Number of Daughter Cells produced2 diploid cells4 haploid cells
8Chromosome NumberRemains the same.Reduced by half.
9Chromosomes PairingDoes Not OccurTakes place during zygotene of prophase I and continue upto metaphase I.  
10CreatesMakes everything other than sex cells.Sex cells only: female egg cells or male sperm cells.
11Takes Place inSomatic CellsGerm Cells
12ChiasmataAbsentObserved during prophase I and metaphase I.
13Spindle FibresDisappear completely in telophase.Do not disappear completely in telophase I.
14NucleoliReappear at telophaseDo not reappear at telophase I.
15StepsProphase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase.(Meiosis 1) Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I; (Meiosis 2) Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II and Telophase II.
16KaryokinesisOccurs in Interphase.Occurs in Interphase I.
17CytokinesisOccurs in Telophase.Occurs in Telophase I and in Telophase II.
18Centromeres SplitThe centromeres split during anaphase.The centromeres do not separate during anaphase I, but during anaphase II.
20ProphaseDuration of prophase is short, usually of few hours.Prophase is comparatively longer and may take days.
21SynapsisNo SynapsisSynapsis of Homologous chromosomes takes place during prophase.
22Exchange of SegmentsTwo chromatids of a chromosome do not exchange segments during prophase.Chromatids of two homologous chromosome exchange segments during crossing over.
23Discovered byWalther FlemmingOscar Hertwig
24FunctionCellular reproduction and general growth and repair of the body.Genetic diversity through sexual reproduction.
25FunctionTakes part in healing and repair.Takes part in the formation of gametes and maintenance of chromosome number.

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